Join us for our live streaming video sales on our Beyond the Barn Facebook page! Our winter Live Video Sales happen every other Friday starting at 6:30pm central time. Check out the next upcoming live streams:
Dec. 6
Dec. 20
Jan. 3
Jan. 17
Jan. 31
If you follow us on Facebook then you know that we regularly broadcast an online virtual sale through Facebook known as a "Live Sale". These videos are streamed in real time right from our store. Items are presented and viewers can comment to purchase the items. Many items are special prices, one of a kind, or limited amounts so the goal is to be quick to comment to snag the deal.  It's a fun and unique way to shop that has an auction vibe to it. We also try and implement some prizes and games too!
Here's a couple tips to shop with us on social media:
1. Make sure you follow Beyond the Barn on Facebook so you get notifications of when we are live.
2. Subscribe to our e-mail list to get reminders of upcoming live events or special sales.
3. During Live events products have a "buy word" and can be purchased by being the first to comment on that item (ex comment: SHIRT medium, blue).  If an item is sized or has a color option, please include which one you'd like in your comment.  If more than one person comments but there is only one item, the person with the earliest time stamp will be awarded the item. At the end of the live sale we we tally up everyone's purchases and create either an in store layaway for you or an online invoice that can be purchased through our website, whichever your preference is. We sent notices that your items are ready to complete purchase through messenger on social media or can use your e-mail if provided. Â
We don't require you to register first! Just follow us on Facebook and join in the fun!